Accepted papers (ordered by submission time)
Efficient algorithms for counting gapped palindromes
String Sanitization Under Edit Distance: Improved and Generalized
An invertible transform for efficient string matching in labeled digraphs
Constructing the Bijective BWT
AWLCO: All-Window Length Co-Occurrence
The Longest Run Subsequence Problem: Further Complexity Results
A Linear Time Algorithm for Constructing Hierarchical Overlap Graphs
Computing Covers of 2D-Strings
Gapped Indexing for Consecutive Occurrences
Data Structures for Categorical Path Counting Queries
R-enum: Enumeration of Characteristic Substrings in BWT-runs Bounded Space
Constructing Strings Avoiding Forbidden Substrings
Optimal Construction of Hierarchical Overlap Graphs
The k-mappability problem revisited
Disorders and permutations
Ranking Bracelets in Polynomial Time
Compressed Weighted de Bruijn Graphs
Weighted Ancestors in Suffix Trees Revisited, recipient of the Best Paper Award
A Fast and Small Subsampled R-index
Optimal Completion and Comparison of Incomplete Phylogenetic Trees Under Robinson-Foulds Distance, recipient of the Best Student Paper Award
A Compact Index for Cartesian Tree Matching
Internal Shortest Absent Word Queries